Welcome to Sew Craftastic@RSQNC!

Hello Everyone and Welcome to My Blog!! 

I have wanted to create a blog for quite some time now and have finally decided to check it off my bucket list.  For those of you who are familiar with my RSQNC brand, Welcome! For those of you who have followed links from my other social sites, you may know me as Randi | Crafty Plans and Gadgets on Tiktok and IG.  Let me tell you all a little bit about me, and again welcome to my Blog!!

Where It All Began

I started out my crafting journey as a teenager when my grandmother taught me how to use a sewing machine and also how to crochet.  When I was in my 20s and my kids were little, I taught myself how to quilt while living overseas in Spain after attending a Craft Fair on the local US Navy base.   I was instantly obsessed, and consumed any book or video I could find.  Eventually when we moved back to Italy, I started teaching quilting classes and joined the national quilting guild Quilt Italia.  Once my family moved back to the States, I continued my love of quilting and eventually bought my Longarm and I continue to quilt regularly. 

Welcome To The Rabbit Hole!

About 6yrs ago, I became intrigued with the idea of adding more personalization to my quillts, and so I bought my first cutting machine to do just that, and 
it opened up a whole other realm of possibilities, not only for quilting but also for things like pillows, tshirts, etc. It wasn't too long after, that I discovered Sublimation, and yup #rabbithole :D

Let's Get Down To Business

Right around the time that COVID hit, in early 2020, I was working in a very busy hospital and was asked to make a Scrubcap for a Nurse friend. One thing lead to another, and word of mouth spread and I began to get a lot of orders for them. I had toyed with the idea of starting my craft business, but it wasn't a possibility at that time as my craft room was in a small spare room in our house. That Fall, My husband I made the decision to renovate our house and that included finishing our full basement. He graciously let me take over the majority of the space and move my sewing/craft room down there, and my dream craft space was created. I call it the Craft Cave! 

 I have always had a passion or some call it obsession for handbags and purses, and living in Italy, it was a bag lover's paradise! I never really thought of making my own until the state I live in decided to ban plastic bags. I decided to make my own grocery totes, oufnd a pattern I had to try, and that really kickstarted my journey into becoming a Bagmaker, and my decision to finally start my business, and in 2022 RSQUILTSNCRAFTS LLC was born!!  I made the decision to shorten it to RSQNC for my bagtags, and it just stuck. 

Planner Therapy

My obsession with planners started when I went back to school to get my degree in Respiratory Therapy in 2014, and as an adult student with three teenagers, being organized was a necessity, and crucial to my mental health. Needing a way to keep track of not only my classes and clinical schedule, my kid's school schedules, but my husband's schedule as well. He worked nights at that time so I was the one in charge of my family's comings and goings and my planner was priceless. From then on I became a planner girlie, and an avid list maker!   

Planning keeps me sane and allows me to keep track of important aspects of my business as well as my day job, and keeps me on task when my brain tries to go squirrel hunting! My love of planners and stickers has just grown every year, and I make the majority of the my packaging, logo stickers etc right in my studio.

Scrap Journaling just sort of happened, mainly as a result of my inner child's obsesson with stickers, and pretty paper, and Voila! my compulsion for creating found one more outlet! 

It is my hope to make this blog along with my Youtube channel, a place where I can marry the to two halves of my creative sides to share my love of sewing, crafting, planning and creating, all in one spot with all of you! I love my crazy Craftastic life and I hope you can find something here that inspires your own creativity just as much!

Be sure to Subscribe to my Youtube channel here https://youtube.com/@rsqnc-sewcraftastic?si=pHDaBVhnLKIZsXpx


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